Sleep coaching for women who are over being exhausted.

Raleigh woman struggling with going to or staying asleep

Adult Sleep Coaching

Reform your sleep habits and embrace the power of restorative rest

Woman in Cary struggling with insomnia before seeking adult sleep coaching

What is Adult Sleep Coaching?

Adult Sleep Coaching is a personalized approach to improving sleep patterns and tackling insomnia or other sleep-related issues. Through tailored strategies such as sleep hygiene practices, relaxation techniques, and evidence-based methods like cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and ACT, I help individuals achieve better quality sleep, enhance their overall well-being, and boost daytime functioning.

Woman sleeping soundly after getting Megan Giroux's help for sleep coaching

How does Adult Sleep Coaching differ from therapy?

Adult Sleep Coaching focuses specifically on enhancing sleep habits, routines, and overall sleep quality. We work within a relatively short timeframe of 6-8 sessions, employing education and clinically proven strategies to achieve results. I'm available between sessions for support and adjustments as needed.

Erin P.

“Before working with Megan, I struggled to get restful sleep and was napping 4-5 times a week. Since working with Megan, I am able to fall asleep faster and I wake up less during the night.

I cannot recommend this program enough! If your sleep struggles are impacting your everyday life, this program is for you!”

Woman falling to sleep faster and easier thanks to adult sleep training

Is Adult Sleep Coaching Right For You?

Who would benefit from sleep coaching?

  • Those facing sleep difficulties due to recent life changes like job shifts, relocation, or work stress.

  • Individuals who have long identified as poor sleepers and want to break free from this pattern.

  • Professionals who prioritize work over sleep and experience the consequences in terms of increased anxiety, reduced attention, irritability, and decreased creativity.

Individuals struggling with insomnia should reach out to Megan Giroux for adult sleep coaching

Start your journey towards restful nights today.